Vision & Mission

The Vision of OPTL, as the leading institution in Lebanon and the Near/Middle East, is to optimize health and functioning of individuals by advancing the services offered by its members through evidence-based practice, continuing education, and perpetual pursuit of physical therapists’ professional issues.

The Mission of the Order of Physical Therapists in Lebanon (OPTL) is to act as a Lebanese physiotherapist centered organization that promotes the real image of the profession, supports and values all members, and ensures the implementation of all related professional laws and legislations.

To achieve this mission, members are guided by principles of :

  • Quality in assessment and provision of care
  • Professionalism
  • Equity
  • Collaboration
  • Advocacy.

OPTL strives to build a physical therapy professional community aiming to improve society and the human experience by :

  • Acting solely on behalf of the Lebanese physical therapists and representing physical therapists in Lebanon in all professional issues.
  • Proposing and implementing rules, laws and regulations related to the advancement of physical therapy practice.
  • Providing full support for working physical therapists to fair remuneration in regard to academic clinical values of physical therapy.
  • Highlighting the scientific role and cost-effectiveness of physical therapy in consultation, treatment and prevention of impairments, activity limitations and social restrictions.
  • Promoting and Providing continuing education to practicing physical therapists so to permanently advance their skills and competencies in clinical practice, education, management and research.
  • Fostering multidisciplinary practice with all medical disciplines mainly medicine, nursing, occupational therapy and psychomotor therapy.
  • Collaborating with other Lebanese and international organizations on common strategic issues.
  • Fortifying relationships with health and community sector stakeholders to build awareness of physiotherapy among the public.

Order of Physiotherapist in Lebanon

OPTL is responsible of registering physical therapists and physical therapy students, working to develop codes, standards, and professional guidelines, handling complaints, conducting investigations and organizing disciplinary hearings, assessing practice qualifications and approving standards for the study of Physiotherapy in Lebanon.
